Guidelines for Good Corporate Governance an Islamic perspective have a broader context, do not
separate roles and responsibilities in all stakeholders actions under the auspices of Islamic sharia law.
There are differences in concepts and perspectives between western perspective (Anglo Saxon and
European) Good Corporate Governanceand Islamic perspectives. The difference in the very basic point
of view that Good Corporate Governance is the Islamic perspective comes from tawhid, shari'ah, and
the concept of shura. Islamic Good Corporate Governance guidelines focus on the role of stakeholders
related to the company.
The development of science that occurs in the perspective of Good Corporate Governance begins on
the basis of agency theory which states that there is a separation between ownership and management
that has the potential to cause agency problems, ways to overcome agency problems through the
implementation of Good Corporate Governance. Implementation of guidelines for Good Corporate
Governance is an obligation for the company. This is more aimed at the existence of responsibility to
the public (public accountability) relating to the company's operational activities and it is expected that
the company can comply with the provisions outlined in a positive law. In addition, this is related to
the level of compliance of sharia with sharia principles as described in the Qur'an, Hadith, and Ijma 'of
the Ulama. Research related to Good Corporate Governance in the Islamic perspective with the
achievement of company performance is expected to provide an overview of the Good Corporate
Governance framework that recognizes the rights of stakeholders as determined by law and encourages
active cooperation between companies and stakeholders to create employee welfare, performance, and
corporate sustainability.
Full Text:
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