This research aims to know the role of tax avoidance in moderating the influence of Free cash flow, Investment opportunity set, and sales growth toward Dividend policy on LQ45 companies that listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014-2017. Data was collected by using purposive sampling where total samples are 19 companies with 76 observation years. This research is analyzed using PLS (Partial Least Square).
The result of this research show that Free cash flow, Investment opportunity set have influence significantly and positively toward dividend policy. Meanwhile, sales growth does not influence dividend policy. Beside that, the result also shows that there is no influence of tax avoidance in amplifying the effect of Free Cash Flow and Investment Opportunity set toward Dividend Policy. Lastly, result show that there is an influence of Tax Avoidance in amplifying the effect of Sales growth toward Dividend Policy. For future research, researcher can extend sample from some sectors in Indonesian Stock Exchange and use new variables such as ROA and ROE.
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