This study aims to measure financial statement fraud based on a fraud diamond analysis. The fraud diamond theory proposed by Wolfe and Hermanson (2004) states that there are four factors that can trigger a person to commit fraud or fraud. The four factors are pressure, opportunity, rationalization and capability. The existence of limited data for the two uncontrollable fraud diamond factors, namely rationalization and capability, causes this study to only measure pressure and opportunity as quantifiable indicators of financial statement fraud. Based on the fraud diamond theory developed by Wolfe and Hermanson, researchers use financial ratios as a proxy for measures of the fraud diamond components studied and the fraudulent financial statements themselves.
The population of this research is manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry which are listed on the IDX in 2014-2016. The sample selection was done by using purposive sampling method and the research sample was obtained as many as 30 companies. Hypothesis testing is done by using simple linear regression method. The results showed that the Pressure from Investor variable, which is proxied by Return on Assets (ROA), can be used to measure financial statement fraud as proxied by Return on Equity (ROE). The variable Pressure within Management, which is proxied by the Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR), can be used to measure financial statement fraud as proxied by the Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR). The Leadership Control variable, which is proxied by the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), can be used to measure financial statement fraud, which is proxied by the Retained Earnings / Total Asset ratio (RE / TA). Then finally, the Day-to-Day Control variable which is proxied by Inventory Turnover (InventoryTO), can be used to measure financial statement fraud proxied by Asset Turnover (AssetTO).
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