The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of length of service, product price, and inflation on PT.X sales growth. The population of this study are sales employees from company located in Indonesia. Participants for this study were sampled using the random sampling method. Datas that were used for this research were obtained through secondary data in the form of sales reports, price lists, length of service, and inflation data from BPS.
Linear regression was performed and processed with Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) software. The variables were analysed partially and simultaneously. The sales period that was analysed is between August 2019 - October 2019. This research was analysed quantitatively and utilises both descriptive and inferential statistic method.
The results showed that Length of service and Inflation partially did not influence sales growth. On the other hand, Price did influence sales growth quite significant. Simultaneously, Length of service, Price, and Inflation also did influence sales growth.
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